Heritage Baroque – words, forms, perspectives

“Baroque Heritage”: the new 20 years of programming for greater enjoyment of cultural heritage and to deseasonalize UNESCO World Heritage sites.
On May 5, 6 and 7, 2023 three days of study with international experts and lecturers, as well as public events, guided tours and extraordinary openings in the five municipalities of the unique destinationEnjoy Barocco.”

The event is promoted in collaboration with three Italian universities and the Unesco Club.

These are three international study days, to be held on May 5, 6 and 7, 2023 in Ragusa, Modica and Scicli, to explore the theme of the new 20 years of cultural and tourism programming, after celebrating the first 20 years of Unesco recognition for these World Heritage cities.

There are three focuses on which the days are centered, with the involvement of professors from prestigious Italian universities, including the University of Rome Tor Vergata, the Polytechnic University of Turin and the University of Catania, as well as professors from foreign universities.

May 5, 2023

The first day, which will take place in Ragusa, is dedicated to the multiplicity of narratives, representations and senses that have been layered on the Baroque heritage over the centuries.

May 6, 2023

The second focus, which will embrace Modica, will delve into the architectural conceptions and urban history of Baroque culture, with special attention to the building sites and machines of the ephemeral.

May 7, 2023

Finally, the third moment, which will be held in Scicli and which will see the conclusions entrusted to Christian Greco, director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin, will focus on current issues of cultural heritage enhancement, including relationships between heritage and community experience, economy and culture, public and private investment, diversification and coordination of tourism offerings.

The three days will be flanked by initiatives, guided tours, special openings and public enjoyment events that will also take place simultaneously in Ispica and Santa Croce Camerina, the other two municipalities of the tourist destination enclosed by GAL Terra Barocca.


May 05 - 07 2023



Other Locations

Santa Croce Camerina


Gal Terra Barocca