Holy Week in Ispica

Between faith, tradition, folklore, an intense and exciting event.

The cycle of festivities begins on the penultimate Friday of Lent with the procession of the Holy Cascia, which for all Hispisians is “‘u vènniri ra Santa Cascia” and “‘a Santa Spina” culminating with the living Stations of the Cross. Thousands of the faithful attend the evocative re-enactment of the Passion of Jesus.

After retracing the last moments of Christ’s life, the crowd returns to the Basilica of the Annunziata where the most exciting moment of the day is celebrated: the Holy Thorn is placed at the foot of the simulacrum of Christ with the Cross that is concealed behind a wooden wall. For the Nuncios, days of waiting begin until Good Friday when they can unveil and embrace the Christ statue.

Maundy Thursday is the longest day for the town of Ispica

Good Friday is the day of the Nuncios and Christ at the Cross.

On Easter Sunday, The Risen Christ (U Risuscitatu) concludes the celebrations of Holy Week with the famous and exciting “Ncuontru,” in which the Risen Christ coming out of the Basilica of SS. Annunziata will run down the street to embrace Mother Mary of Sorrows, whose simulacrum comes out of the Mother Church San Bartolomeo.

Check out the 2023 program here


Mar 31 2023 - Apr 09 2023




Municipality of Ispica