Pierre Gauthier, entrepreneur and decorator

Testimonies from the territory

Pierre Gauthier was born in Belgium but has lived for years in Sicily in Playa Grande, Donnafugata.

After studying to be a fashion designer, she opened her own haute couture workshop in Brussels, an activity that lasted from 1988 to 2014. He later moved to the “Baroque Land” out of love, where he devoted himself to decoration.
He is a well-rounded decorator: what he touches acquires aesthetic and spiritual value.


His infallible good taste, educated at the Brussels School of Stylism, becomes instinct, a creative and explosive force.
His works, never an end in themselves, tell stories of a surreal world.
Her embroideries beautifully embellish fabrics that become pillows, tapestries, dresses. Clothes worthy of a queen: in fact for years, he became a designer and one of the personal tailors of Queen Mathilde of Belgium.
His career as a fashion designer is full of international success: India, Hong Kong, Lebanon, France.

Pierre Gauthier currently devotes himself to decorating walls, paintings and furniture objects, with pure freedom of expression, devoid of any scheme.


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