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Special openings, guided tours, music, theater, events and special initiatives. With “Baroque Heritage – Words, Forms, Perspectives,” from May 5 to 7, it will be a weekend all about monumental properties that have become World Heritage Sites. Promoted by the unique destination “Enjoy Barocco“, the event once again turns the spotlight on the five municipalities of the Terra Barocca LAG and pays homage to the Unesco heritage territories with an event that embraces scientific popularization and entertainment for a tourism promotion of the Hyblaean area that involves all types of users. The event, financed through Measure 16.3, features the collaboration of several professors from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, the Polytechnic University of Turin and the University of Catania, along with Unesco Club representatives. Culture will be interwoven among historical places and unique landscapes, and the varied calendar of events will involve prestigious personalities from various national and foreign universities, alongside other unmissable initiatives to experience the area in an engaging way, thanks to extraordinary openings, events, guided tours and much more. Between Ragusa, Modica, Scicli, Ispica and Santa Croce Camerina, the beauty of the Sicilian Baroque will merge with the uniqueness of the places, the goodness of the gastronomic tradition, the warmth of the Iblean welcome and the places recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. Lots of appointments to mark on the agenda.

On Friday, May 5 and Saturday, May 6, the City of Ragusa will offer free “TheNarrative Stones,” theatricalizations that from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. will affect, at hourly intervals, first St. John’s Square, then the Churchyard of Santa Maria delle Scale, and finally Cathedral Square. It will be possible respectively to visit the Cathedral, the Cathedral Museum, Garofalo Palace, the Italy in Africa Museum, Santa Maria delle Scale, the Cathedral, the Cathedral Museum and the Gagini Cona. The two days will also feature “Art Unveiled,” with the special opening of the Portone del Martirio, the ancient wooden door of Ragusa Ibla’s St. George’s Cathedral, from 8:30 to 11:30 pm. The evening of Friday, May 5, will conclude with Ibla with “Ligh Concert,” an atmospheric concert at Pola Square at 9:30 p.m. On Saturday, May 6, also in Ragusa, images, words and music with the event entitled “G.B. D’odierna’s Three Homelands. Ragusa, Palma di Montechiaro, the Cosmo“, edited by Mariolina Marino, Enrico Lacognata, Pippo Tidona and Santo Burgio, at 8 p.m. at the Cultural Mall on Matteotti Street. The Ragusa events are held in collaboration with Ccn Antica Ibla, Centro Ibleo Studi Astronomici; Associazione San Bartolomeo – Cultural Systems of Ragusa; Italian Philosophical Society.

The city of Modica instead will devote Friday, May 5 and Saturday, May 6 to discovering its treasures thanks to the Free evening openings, from 9 p.m. to midnight, of multiple museums: F.L. Belgiorno and Hercules Civic Museum of Modica (Palace of Culture) and Museum “Salvatore Quasimodo”, with tour leaders Prof. Giovanni Di Stefano on Friday and Giorgetta Belgiorno on Saturday. Also open for the “Tommaso Campailla” Museum of Medicine, with tour leader Dr. Luigi Calabrese. Finally, it will be possible to take a guided tour at the Ethnographic Museum of Folk Arts and Traditions, on Mercè Street. The program features the collaboration of “ProModica 1977 APS.”

Also Scicli will open its doors and on May 5, 6 and 7 it will be possible to visit the room of the Montalbano police station, Quaestor Bonetti Alderighi’s room, Spadaro Palace and St. Teresa Church, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., with an extension of two hours from the canonical time, by the Cooperative Acting. It will also be possible to visit Palazzo Mormina Penna in Piazza Italia from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., organized by Aps Tanit. This splendid and imposing aristocratic palace will extraordinarily open, on the occasion of the “Baroque Heritage” event, one of its wings usually closed to the public. A fee is required to enter both events.

In Santa Croce Camerina it will be possible to visit free of charge on May 5, 6 and 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. the Camarinense Demological Museum, located along the Costa degli Archi Ring Road. The museum is divided into five rooms representing different environments, within which there are working tools and everyday objects. On Sunday, May 7, it will be possible, again free of charge, to participate in the organized hike, of medium difficulty, Archeo Trekking: “Antica Trazzera,” to visit the Biddemi Quarries, the Iron Cave and the Grassullo Catacombs. Meet at 8:15 a.m. at the sports field parking lot and then proceed to the walking trail. Comfortable clothing and hiking shoes are recommended. The tour will last about three hours; it is recommended to bring water and a sack snack.

Finally, Ispica dedicates a special program on the occasion of the event by providing, for Saturday, May 7, from 6 to 10 p.m., the opportunity to participate free of charge, accompanied by a licensed tour guide, in a tour organized in collaboration with the Pro Loco Spaccaforno. It will be possible to visit Palazzo Bruno di Belmonte, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the Loggia designed by Vincenzo Sinatra, Giuseppe Gianforma’s cycle of stuccoes adorning the interior of the Basilica of SS. Annunziata, and the Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

All these appointments flank the scientific program that will take place during individual mornings, touching on Ragusa, Modica and Scicli with the presence of experts and academics.

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May 2, 2023
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Carmelo Saccone for MediaLive

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