Tuesday, 11 at 7 p.m. the Quam Gallery in Scicli opens: ‘In-Unusual Early 20th Century Landscape’ curated by Irene Torrisi and Antonio Sarnari.

July 11-August 20, 2023


An exceptional selection of masterpieces of the last century, comparing the different linguistic choices, for this defined unusual, that the most important Italian authors, of the first half of the twentieth century, made on landscape.

Antonio Sarnari, creator of the project, involved Irene Torrisi in the critical analysis of the research of each of the thirty authors in the exhibition, and together they created a decidedly museum-level exhibition, with loans of excellent works and a path made up of artistic affinities and discontinuities.

Central to the exhibition are the divergent, and in some cases extreme, interpretations that some of these authors have made of this subject. From Afro and Capogrossi’s processes of abstraction, which started with the translation of the urban landscape (two of their works from the 1940s are on display), to Carlo Levi’s search for the ‘humanization’ of the Carob tree. From Gino Rossi’s impression landscape (showing a work from the 1970s), to Giorgio Morandi’s impassive and eternal ‘portrait of houses’ (showing an unpublished work from the 1960s).

Other outstanding names in the history of early 20th century Italian painting will be on display, all works for sale, such as Ligabue, Alberto Savinio, Rosai, Morlotti, Mafai, Licini, Donghi and many others, about whom there is still a mysterious secrecy, will there be more surprises?

‘In-Unusual Landscape of the Early Twentieth Century’ opens on Tuesday, July 11 at 7 p.m. at the Quam Gallery in Scicli, one of the galleries that has most shown signs of growth in Southern Italy, with projects with emerging Contemporary Art authors, and that now proposes itself as a reference in Sicily also for the second market, made up of refined and experienced collectors.

The exhibition has free admission and will remain open until Aug. 20, the visit is accompanied by critical texts by Irene Torrisi and Antonio Sarnari, for those interested in purchasing one of these masterpieces, they point out, it is necessary to make an appointment for confidential negotiations.

Critical Care Irene Torrisi

Antonio Sarnari Project

Partner Riccardo Schininà

Mixed Technical Organization

MediaLive Press Office

Organizing Secretariat Martina Alecci

Sales Francesco Di Rosolini

Photo works Franco Noto

Sergio Bonuomo Event Photos

Thank you to all lenders
Who preferred to maintain confidentiality

Carlo Caccamo, Bartolo Di Rosa,Enzo Giavatto, Pino Giavatto singrazia.

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