“At Full Volume”

Chronicle of an announced success

Once again this year the literary festival that populates the Hyblean capital with books and authors, readers and the curious, proved the strength of its proposal.

Once again this year, in fact, citizens and visitors (more and more numerous from year to year) responded enthusiastically to the call of the festival, promoted by the Foundation of the Arches and directed by Alessandro Di Salvo.

Established thirteen years ago as a weekend of cultural encounters around the historic center of Upper Ragusa and Ragusa Ibla, the “A tutto volume” festival has grown over time, not only in terms of the richness of the schedule (the 2022 edition brought more than 60 authors, more than 80 guests to the city), but also in terms of duration (for the past couple of years, it has become a four-day event with the introduction of the opening Thursday in Marina di Ragusa).

It has grown big, but it always keeps itself young; in fact, the main strength of the festival lies in its ability to renew itself from year to year: guests and content change, new venues are added (for the past couple of years, also the newly renovated Cultural Mall) and new proposals (in the last edition, also music and performances). But also in the breadth of the proposed offerings, which since its inception, has been designed to satisfy diverse and varied tastes, so from fiction to nonfiction, from journalism to philosophy, from medicine to architecture. Then this year there is also side programming specifically for younger children.

If the locals, now fond of the event, anxiously await each year the presentation of the program, tourists also now seem to know and appreciate the initiative, which, accomplice to the happiness of the period (the festival traditionally takes place in the second week of June) becomes the initial spring for a seaside-architectural-cultural and, why not, also wine and food tour of the area.

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