A Celebration of Culture, Food and Wine and Collaboration.

In the vibrant atmosphere of BIT in Milan, everyone’s attention was captured by a special space, a moment of great interest dedicated to the Baroque Land. With the presentation of the special appendix “Enjoy Barocco,” edited by the Gambero Rosso with the support of GAL Terra Barocca, participants embarked on an exciting journey among historical and culinary treasures. The scenery, masterfully set up in the Sicilian Region Pavilion, provided an evocative backdrop to explore the scenic beauty and culinary richness of the Baroque Land. Between LED walls and reflective surfaces, food and wine took center stage, highlighting not only authentic flavors, but also the deep history and cultural identity of this unique land.

But what makes this Destination so unique and fascinating?

The Baroque Land is a world unto itself, a concentration of beauty and history manifested through imposing monuments, ornate facades, sumptuous palaces, and magnificently decorated churches. It is a journey into the heart of Sicilian Baroque, an architectural and artistic style that has shaped landscapes and communities, transforming every corner into a living work of art.

Its countryside is dotted with white stone dry stone walls, while long unspoiled beaches alternate between golden sand dunes and rocks, providing breathtaking views of the Mediterranean. But Terra Barocca is also a sensory experience, a journey through the authentic flavors of its cuisine that represent a true food culture, an expression of hospitality and transmission of values.

Among the gems of this land are Baroque cities, declared aUNESCO World Heritage Site in 2002. Ragusa, with its 18 monuments, is one of the undisputed capitals of Baroque. Its ancient hamlet of Ibla and the Upper Ragusa district come together through the picturesque Staircase district, offering breathtaking views and interesting monuments such as the church of Santa Maria delle Scale and the nearby church of Madonna dell’Itria with its blue dome.

Modica, with its unmistakable light and elegant monuments, is a must-see destination in the Baroque Land. Destroyed and rebuilt after the 1693 earthquake, the city retains an important history that saw it as the capital of a powerful county until the 19th century. Its historic center stretches between Modica Alta and Modica Bassa, providing crib-like glimpses and telling millennia-old stories through the Castle of the Counts and the Cathedral of St. George.

Scicli is a small Baroque gem famous for its admirable architecture and Montalbano’s sites. Its historic center spreads out over a valley looking toward the sea, offering a picturesque setting of striking monuments and landscapes, including the church of St. Matthew and Piazza Italia.

Santa Croce Camerina is an important seaside destination with renowned hamlets such as Casuzze, Caucana and Punta Secca, the latter famous for Montalbano’s House. Finally, Ispica preserves significant monuments such as the Palazzo Bruno di Belmonte and the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, while also offering an extraordinary variety of rock settlements and an enchanting coastline with renowned beaches such as Santa Maria del Focallo and Marza.

During the event, guests were invited to immerse themselves in a culinary journey through typical local products, authentic gustatory treasures ranging from Ragusano Dop Cheese to Modica Igp Chocolate and Cerasuolo di Vittoria Docg wine.

The authenticity of the experience was emphasized by the direct involvement of local tour operators, such as Giovanni Gravina for Palazzo degli Antoci and Salvatore Fratantonio for the Principe di Belmonte group, who passionately shared their experiences and their love for the Baroque Land. Their stories added value to the presentation, showing how vibrant the area is through the efforts of those who promote it.

Reflections from speakers including GAL Terra Barocca director Salvatore Occhipinti and project coordinator Marco Platania highlighted the importance of promoting quality food and wine to attract travelers seeking authentic experiences. This emphasized the importance of preserving and enhancing local culinary traditions, which enrich the experience of travelers and contribute to the sustainable development of the region. Tino Antoci, tourism councillor for the Municipality of Modica, shared exciting data regarding the influx of tourists to the Terra Barocca, highlighting a significant increase in attendance in 2023 in the five municipalities, Ragusa, Modica, Scicli, Ispica and Santa Croce di Camerina, which are part of the Terra Barocca LAG (Local Action Group).

Finally, the speech by the regional councillor for tourism, Elvira Amata, stressed the importance of public-private collaboration in promoting Terra Barocca. This highlighted that the success of initiatives such as Enjoy Barocco depends on the synergy among the actors involved.

In conclusion, participation in BIT Milan offered not only an opportunity to explore the wonders of the Baroque Land, but also to reflect on the fundamental importance of experiential tourism. Through engaging experiences such as those offered by the “Enjoy Barocco” project, we were able to appreciate not only the culinary richness, but also the deep history and cultural authenticity of this unique destination. After the exciting participation in the BIT, “Enjoy Barocco” looks to the future with determination. The success achieved in Milan is just the beginning of a journey that aims to bring more and more travelers to discover the wonders of this unique destination. The DMO is committed to continuing to promote the “Baroque Land” as a must-see tourist destination.

So we hope to see you again at the next edition, ready to explore new experiences and once again celebrate the extraordinary beauty and unforgettable charm of the places that make Terra Barocca so fascinating and memorable.

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