Discover the Authentic Taste of Sicily with Barbara: Tales, Recipes and Culinary Secrets

In the beating heart of Sicily, among the picturesque towns of Ragusa, Modica, Scicli, Ispica and Santa Croce Camerina, a culinary world stands out that enchants the senses and evokes the enchantment of this art. An endless culinary journey awaits those who venture into this land, and no one knows this better than Barbara Conti, a Sicilian woman with a fervent passion for cooking.

Scicli’s Testa di Turco: a legendary dessert to enjoy and celebrate

Testa di Turco, a sweet linked to the feast of Our Lady of the Militia, celebrates the history of Scicli. During the festival, bakeries offer this culinary symbol, combining taste and tradition. Legend has it that the defeated Turks created this turban-shaped cake, becoming an icon of history and culture. The Turk’s Head is more than a dessert; it is a link to the city’s millennia-old traditions.

Chocomodica 2023 returns to Modica from December 7 to 10


Four days of tastings, culture and entertainment with well-known guests from the national and international scene, but the real protagonist will be him: the Modica IGP chocolate, the first chocolate to bear this important recognition in Europe. A very old recipe that makes it unique in every bite, capable of evoking in many pleasant memories […]

Sicily nominated as ‘gastronomic region of Europe’

Stop in the province of Ragusa for the European Igcat commission that will decide whether Sicily can be recognized for 2025 as a “gastronomic region of Europe.” Also visit Progetto Natura’s maturing warehouses where Ragusano DOP cheese is made. RAGUSA – The European commission Igcat (International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism) is meeting […]